MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Senior Consultant HEC PARAS HOSPITAL, Ranchi

Ex. Senior Resident Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi

Laparoscopy & InfertilitySpecialist

Menopause: A comprehensive Information: Part 2

Menopause: A comprehensive Information: Part 2

Written by :
Dr. Anshu Agarwal
MS (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Fellowship in Laparoscopic Gyane Surgery.
Senior Consultant HEC Paras Hospital, Ranchi.

In my last last article i explained all about the basic understanding of the Menopause.
In this part i will elaborate on the treatment part of the Menopausal problems. .


The treatment can be divided into 2 parts:

Home Remedies and Life style changes

Medicinal treatment

Firstly I will elaborate on home remedies

Home remedies and lifestyle changes:

There are several ways to reduce minor- to-moderate menopause symptoms naturally, using home remedies, lifestyle changes, and alternative treatments.
Here are some at-home tips for managing menopause symptoms:

1.Keeping cool and staying comfortable

  • Dress in loose, layered clothing, especially during the night time and during warm or unpredictable weather. This can help you manage hot flashes
  • Keeping your bedroom cool and avoiding heavy blankets at night can also help reduce your chances of night sweats. If you regularly have sweats use cotton clothes at night. Avoid exposure to hot and humid weather.

2.Exercising and managing your weight

  • Reduce your daily calorie intake by 400 to 600 calories to help manage your weight. It’s also important to exercise moderately for 20 to 30 minutes a day. This can help:
    • increase energy
    • promote a better night’s sleep
    • improve mood
    • promote your general well-being

3. Communicating your needs

  • Talk to a therapist or psychologist about any feelings of depression, anxiety, sadness, isolation, insomnia, and identity changes.
  • You should also try talking to your family members, loved ones, or friends about feelings of anxiety, mood changes, or depression so that they know your needs.

4. Dietary Advice

  • Increase Calcium intake
  • Increase vitamin D intake
  • Get some Magnesium supplements
  • All this help reduce your risk for osteoporosis and improve energy levels and sleep.

5. Practicing relaxation techniques

  • Practice relaxation and breathing techniques, such as:
    • Yoga
    • Meditation

6.Taking care of your skin

Apply moisturizers daily to reduce skin dryness. You should also avoid excessive bathing or swimming, which can dry out or irritate your skin.

7. Managing sleeping issues

Talk to your doctor if you regularly have trouble sleeping so they can help you manage it and get a better night’s rest.

8. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol use

Stop smoking and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. Exposure to cigarettes may make your symptoms worse.
You should also limit your alcohol intake to reduce worsening symptoms. Heavy drinking during menopause may increase your risk of health concerns.

Other remedies

  • Some limited studies have supported the use of herbal remedies for menopausal symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency.
    Natural supplements and nutrients that may help limit menopause symptoms include:
    • soy
    • vitamin E
    • isoflavone
    • melatonin
    • flax seed


  • You may need treatment if your symptoms are severe or affecting your quality of life. Hormone therapy may be an effective treatment in women under the age of 60, or within 10 years of menopause onset, for the reduction or management of:
    • hot flashes
    • night sweats
    • flushing
    • vaginal atrophy
    • osteoporosis

Other medications may be used to treat more specific menopause symptoms, like hair loss and vaginal dryness.
Additional medications sometimes used for menopause symptoms include:

  • topical minoxidil 5 percent, used once daily for hair thinning and loss
  • antidandruff shampoos, commonly ketoconazole 2 percent and zinc pyrithione 1 percent, used for hair loss
  • eflornithine hydrochloride topical cream for unwanted hair growth
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

(SSRIs), commonly paroxetine 7.5 milligrams for hot flashes, anxiety, and depression

  • nonhormonal vaginal moisturizers and lubricants
  • low-dose estrogen-based vaginal lubricants in the form of a cream, ring, or tablet
  • ospemifenefor vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
  • prophylactic antibiotics for recurrent UTIs
  • sleep medications for insomnia
  • denosumab, teriparatide, raloxifene, or calcitonin for postmenstrual osteoporosis


  • Menopause is the natural cessation, or stopping, of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and marks the end of fertility. Most women experience menopause by the age of 52, but pelvic or ovarian damage may cause sudden menopause earlier in life. Genetics or underlying conditions may also lead to early onset of menopause.
  • o You may benefit from treatment, such as hormone therapy, if your symptoms are severe or affect your quality of life. Generally, menopause symptoms can be managed or reduced using natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments.